Want to volunteer? Discern how you want to serve
at Larchmont Church! Fill out a Time and Talent
Survey and get plugged in to volunteer.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Larchmont UMC has a history of active community involvement. These volunteer activities are part of the mission of our church to help our Community thrive. The Missions Committee is a part of the Church Council and is responsible for organizing, coordinating and completing mission activities and projects which give members of the congregation the opportunity to use their gifts and graces to help others. Many of these ministries provide opportunities for hands-on involvement, while others we support monetarily based upon the committee's budget. There is always a need and we invite anyone in the community to join us on these projects or others. If you are interested in volunteering on any of these projects, contact the church office at 757-489-8168.
Our activities and projects include:
- Union Mission. The Union Mission Ministries is a Norfolk based organization that serves the homeless and poor within the city and surrounding areas. The Missions team coordinates monthly support of the Mission with volunteer teams serving midday meals one day a month. www.unionmissionministries.org.
- Worship Leader. Please consider serving as a Worship Leader for the 10:30 service. Contact Pastor Fran or call the office at 757-489-8168.
- Rise Against Hunger. This local non profit has international impact with feeding programs. LUMC Missions team has committed to an annual RAH event. RISE food packaging and other mission events will be held on this day.
- Kits For Conference. Each year we participate in the Virginia United Methodist Annual Conference call for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) emergency supplies. Recently we have focused on UMCOR Hygiene Kits, though historically we have donated other kits. The purpose of the kits is to provide necessities to people who have been forced to leave their homes because of human conflict or natural disaster. In the past few years year we purchased items as well as called for donations. The items required for each kit are listed on the UMCOR website: www.umcmission.org/umcor/serve/relief-supply-network/hygiene-kit
- The Food Locker. Every second Sunday non-perishable items are placed in a grocery cart and then cataloged and stored for distribution to those experiencing hunger and food insecurity. The Larchmont UMC Food Locker has been an ongoing project for many years.
- Pumpkin Patch. Late September through October the Missions Team coordinates the LUMC Pumpkin Patch. The proceeds support local and world wide missions. Volunteer groups for offloading the truck including ODU sororities/fraternities and teams, the scouts and members of the LUMC congregation. Community members are encouraged to participate.
- Church World Service Blanket Drive. This program has been supported for decades at LUMC. Designed to raise funds to support the donations of blankets to those in need. cwsblankets.org | info@cwsglobal.org
- Nursing Home Ministry. We sponsor residents of a local nursing home by providing Christmas presents and small treats throughout the year in addition to companionship.
- Monroe School. We sponsor a nearby local elementary school, supplying backpacks, pencils, paper, notebooks, and other items children and teachers need. We encourage members to actively participate with students and teachers in the classroom reading and helping mentor children.
- Appalachia Service Project. A team traveled to an impoverished area of the Appalachian Mountains in the summer of 2023 to perform repairs to make homes "warmer, safer, and drier." Additional trips will be planned for 2024.
community. Get involved! Call 757-489-8168 and we
will connect you with a project of your choosing.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Talk with our Outreach Director or call our office at
Can I volunteer with kids?
Can I volunteer with music?
The Music Ministry at Larchmont is one of the most active and respected of any in Hampton Roads. The Chancel Choir provides worship leadership at the 10:30 service every Sunday year round, Although this choir sings some advanced music, most of our repertoire is “user friendly”, and we have members of literally all musical abilities, from beginner to professional, and everyone is invited to come and sing with us!
The Larchmont Ringers is open to Youth and Adults, and we have a couple of spots open just for you! Some music reading experience is helpful (not too much….you only have two hands!). They rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm.
Questions about volunteering?
We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.
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